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Month: October 2016

How to Calculate Frequencies and Amplitudes

This is what a one second sample of brainwaves looks like when graphed:one-second-graph

So based on these squiggly brainwaves, how do we calculate frequencies and amplitudes?

Luckily mathematicians have come up with a solution called “Spectrum Analysis using Fourier transform”. The basic idea is that every wave, no matter how complex and irregular, can be represented by combining a number of simple (sine and cosine) waves.


EEG and 5 Activities

5 new samples for 5 activities:

Not surprisingly my test subject’s brainwaves were most engaged while playing guitar and must less engaged while watching a video. What did surprise me was how little his brainwaves were engaged while playing 3-D Pong. (Click on the graphs to enlarge.)

If you have access to an EEG reader, please let me know if you have similar or different results!

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