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OpenBCI Ganglion (Windows 10) – Part 3 – Connecting

For reference see: OpenBCI Ganglion Getting Started Tutorial

Connecting the Ganglion to Your Computer

Your OpenBCI Ganglion will have arrived with a bluetooth dongle. Note, if the dongle is missing you can always buy another one at the OpenBCI Store or on Amazon.

From the OpenBCI tutorial “IMPORTANT: The BLE Dongle must be a verified CSR 4.0 Dongle!”

Plug the Dongle into your computer usb port. And then wait a few minutes while your computer automatically installs the dongle’s driver.

Then go to the Zadig website and download the Zadig program (choose Zadig for Windows Vista or later).

Start the Zadig program by double-clicking on the zadig_2.2.exe file. Windows will ask “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?” Click Yes.

From the OpenBCI tutorial: “Select No To Updates when prompted.”

In the Zadig program, click on “Options”, and then click on “List all devices”

Then click on the drop down list and choose “CSR 8510 A10”

Then click on “Replace Driver” (in my case it says “Reinstall Driver” since I had previously clicked on “Replace Driver”).

Once the driver has installed successfully close the Zadig program.

Then turn on the Ganglion (see on/off switch on the right hand side):

and start the OpenBCI program.

Click on “LIVE (from Ganglion)”, then click on “REFRESH LIST”, and then “Ganglion-f3a0” should show up. If it doesn’t show up, wait 5-10 minutes and try again. And if even then it doesn’t show up, try running the Zadig program again.

Then click on “Ganglion-f3a0” so that it is highlighted, then click on “Start System” and this is what you will see:

Click on “Start Data Stream” (top left hand corner) and you’ll some small activity. This is noise as the electrodes are not yet setup.

As a further test I ran my fingers along the input pins, which showed even more noise:


Next setting up the electrodes, a few more tweaks and collecting EEG readings.

Also see the OpenBCI Page

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