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OpenBCI – Spectrograms

Using my OpenBCI Ganglion I took two readings of test subject DH, which I sent to my friend KOB to analyze. KOB is comfortable using EEGRUNT to analyze EEG readings, and was even able to make changes to the software to make it able to analyze Ganglion readings.

With a spectrogram, like the Brainwave Analyzer, the horizontal x-axis is time, but unlike the Brainwave Analyzer he vertical y-axis is the frequency. The color on the spectrogram represents the amplitude of the frequency. The higher the amplitude of the frequency, the warmer the color.

 Here are the results:
OpenBCI Ganglion - Motion DH (adult male) laughed and talked
OpenBCI - No Motion DH (adult male) kept his face more immobile
OpenBCI - No Motion DH (adult male) kept his face more immobile
During the first reading DH is laughing and talking while watching a video, and in the second one he is doing his best to keep is face immobile while reading. Perhaps noise from the facial movements explains why the first reading shows much greater amplitudes for frequencies than the second reading.
Note, the EEGRUNT can also show amplitude per frequency. For the NoMotion (or at least less motion) reading the results show less Alpha and more Beta.
Interestingly both readings show the AC noise at the 60 Hz frequency level. Not surprising as I am in the USA. For more on AC noise, see:
Thank you KOB !!

Note, the spectrogram software is EEGRUNT  by Isa at

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