Steps to using the Brainwave Analyzer
2. First you’ll need access to a Mindwave Headset. If you don’t have access to a Mindwave Headset there are sample data sets at the bottom of this page. Note, will have more EEG readers over time.
2. Then setup and connect your Mindwave. For tips see:
3. Either use the Mindwave Reader 512 program to save your brainwave readings to a file.
4. Or use OpenVibe to save your brainwave readings to a file, for tips see:
5. Once you have captured brainwave data to a csv file, go to the Brainwave Analyzer Link:
(or there are samples files at the end of this page).
6. Click on “Choose File” and choose the saved data that you want to use. Note the data needs to be in either the OpenVibe saved file format, or the Mindwave Reader 512 saved data format (either version 1 or 2).
7. I chose “Mindwave512-DH-Guitar.csv (see below), which is the data from about 12 minutes of DH playing the guitar.
8. Then click on “Analyze”, and viola!
9. The default “y axis” is 30000, but sometimes median amplitude can be even higher. In such cases you can adjust the “y axis” higher clicking in the box where it says 30000, or by typing in a higher number or if you wish a lower number.
10. Next you have the option of saving the results to files. The “Export band powers per second” is downloads pretty quickly. But the “Export number table for all seconds” takes a while as it is 512 times as large as the per second file.
11. Next the per second results. Click on the arrows to see the details of each second.
12. Here are samples files to analyze:
7 Sample Files:
13. And that’s it for the help page. Please use the feedback page to leave any questions, feedback, etc.
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