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Category: Mindwave

Noise from Electricity – Part 2

See Noise from Electricity – Part 1

KOB (see Gallery-KOB) noticed that the automatic gain control (ACG) doesn’t work as well in Europe. As pointed out in Noise from Electricity – Part 1 the ACG reduces any peaks caused by the electricity in the walls (60 Hz  in the USA and a few other countries and 50 Hz in the rest of the world). KOB lives in Europe and if you look at his readings they do tend to have small peaks at around 50 Hz, for example “KOB eyes closed”, 5th second:  

Luckily these peaks are small enough that they shouldn’t have much of an effect on the overall results. My understanding is that the Mindwave was developed in the U.S.A., and it could very well be that its ACG is more sensitive to the American 60 Hz, and less sensitive to the European 50 Hz.

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Noise from Electricity – Part 1

See Noise from Electricity – Part 2

Curious, I ran a test where I took off the Mindwave headset and saved the results. The Brainwave Analyzer showed a large amount of Gamma “brainwaves”. Surprised, I googled around and it turns out that EEG readers are so sensitive that they pick up the electromagnetic waves from the alternating current (AC) flowing within the walls.

No Headset I ran a test where I took off the Mindwave, and saved the results:
Headset Slipped? KOB (adult male) baseline1-relaxing with eyes open
Mindwave512-KOB-baseline1-relaxing with eyes open-MedianMindwave512-KOB-baseline1-relaxing with eyes open-Bands


OpenVibe – Part 3

Note, see OpenVibe – Part 1 and OpenVibe – Part 2

Now a walk-through (Part 3 of 3) of using your Mindwave and OpenVibe to save a sample of your brainwaves to a file.

Start “openvibe designer”, then open your acquisition-signal-display.xml” and your acquisition-file-csv.xml”


Start Neurosky’s “Thinkgear Connector”, and make sure the “Starting port” is correct.


Start “openvibe acquisition server”, and choose a driver “Neurosky Mindset”


Click on “Driver Properties”, and make sure the “COM Port” is correct” and you’ll want a “Sampling frequency” of 512.


Click on “Connect”, then once it is connected, click on “Play”.
